Friday, February 25, 2011

Welcome To My Stock Market & Forex Blog!

Who Am I And What Is This Blog About?

Hi, my name is Dusan Kovacevic and welcome to my blog! I became interested in the markets since 2004, and since then I'we been trading in stocks, forex, CFDs and spread-betting. Also, I have a BA degree in Finance and worked as a junior broker, so I think I have  a solid understanding about financial markets. My intention with this blog is to help people with little or no formal education about financial markets to learn how global financial system works, what is the difference between investing and trading and how to use both to achieve your financial goals.

Here is a list of the main subjects, that in my opinion, are really important to understand before we can move to real trading stuff. Here is the list:

- What is stock market?
- What stock exchanges exist today and how they work?
- Macroeconomic and why is it important to understand?
- Cycles, recession and prosperity.
- Meaning of inflation and deflation.
- What are interest rates
- What is yield curve
- Feds and Fed's chairmen
- Indexes and averages and what are they telling me?
- Types of trading instruments
- Type of stocks
- Bonds, what are they and are they really alternative to stocks?
- Derivatives, what they are and differences and similarities between them
- Options, calls, puts and the greeks
- Futures, forwards warrants and swaps
- Mutual funds and the differences between them
- ETFs and why are they important for investors to achieve their goals?
- Hedge funds
- Trading vs. Investing? What's better?
- Trading strategies
- Investing strategies
- News. Are they important or not, and how to know when are news already priced into the price of   underlying instrument.
- Fundamental and technical analysis.

So let's start with definition of what the is a Stock Market...

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